Key Ingredients for a Business Development Strategy in the Legal Industry in 2021

The world is changing rapidly, and our legal marketing practices should keep up. Learn the essential features of a BD strategy.
How Innovative Is Your Law Firm?

This week, we are exploring the exciting topic of Legal Innovation and featuring Nita Sanger, CEO of Idea Innovate Consulting.
Ingredientes clave para una estrategia de desarrollo de negocios en la Industria Legal en 2021

Article by Steven R. Ongenaet Featured in Industria Legal, Mx, Vol. 1, July. 2021 View Original Article El mundo está cambiando a gran velocidad, y nuestras prácticas de marketing legal deberían seguir el paso. Firmas de abogados que siguen confiando en estrategias de marketing y desarrollo de negocios de ayer, corren el riesgo de quedarse rápidamente obsoletas. El […]
New Age BD For Law Firms

Watch LawWiser’s video on New Age BD (Business Development) for Lawyers featuring – Deb Feder and Aman Abbas.