
The Good Content Samaritan

Generosity of Ideas Is Its Own Reward…Almost

One of my most successful posts on LinkedIn was something I never even posted.

Guess I’d better explain…

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the mark of a true thought leader is a willingness to openly and freely share one’s best ideas—without the expectation of reciprocation or reward. 

That’s tough to do. Many are afraid of sharing their ideas publicly and at no charge for fear that they are “giving away free advice” or allowing access to “the secret sauce.”

But here’s the deal: If you’re not sharing your expertise with the world, no one will believe that you have it. 

You can make claims to that effect in your bio on your website. Or in your LinkedIn profile. But until you actually demonstrate recognizable expertise and acumen—in a show me, don’t tell me sort of way—those claims are mere bullet points on a resumé: indistinguishable from anyone else’s claims of professional prowess (and not always as believable as you make them sound).

But the individual that does more showing than telling is much more readily trusted as the true thought leader. And the returns that come from earning such a reputation make all the “free” sharing of “secrets” worth your time, effort and openness.



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